Mentorship Sessions

Learn the necessary business skills you need to start and scale your business.

September 2022 : Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

May 26, 2022: Digital Marketing, SEO and SEM

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It refers to the process of optimizing your website so it is found easily on the internet. When people search for products and services related to a business in a search engine, then an optimized website will be displayed at the top of the results.

Put yourself in the mind of your customers. Think about what words they would search for when they want to know about the products and services that you are offering.

You need to be the right amount specific with the keywords you use. The term can’t be too rarely searched as it needs to be big enough so it is searched by a big audience. Finding the right fit with keywords will take a while.

  • On-page SEO and Content are concerned with the keywords used.

  • Off-page SEO is concerned with the backlinks used.

  • The first words on your website matter the most to Google. It is going to score these words the highest. So add in words that are the most relevant to you here.

  • Your URL words also have SEO value. Add keywords that people are searching for.

  • Growth hack: Change your contact us page to “contact xyz companies near me”. Thus, your page will show up more in search results.

  • Have your home page be reported to by your other pages. Pages that are reported by other pages score the most on Google.

  • SEO Title is how Google will find you.

  • Your Meta Description needs to be customer friendly and also keyword-friendly.

  • Label the URL and title of your website images with relevant keywords as well. Fill the caption as well.


Additionally, learn about tools like Spyfu and Keywords Everywhere to enhance your efforts.