Nov 11, 2021 : Value Proposition
As a business owner when you are selling things, it’s not the product but the value that product holds, or what problem that product is solving for your customer.
Value Proposition, explains how your product solves the problems of your customer or how it improves their situation, how it delivers a specific set of benefits and tells your ideal customer why they should buy your products or services.
Here are some examples of Value Proposition for clear and better understanding of Value Proposition :
1. Some of the Value Proposition for Facebook :
✔️ Free social media for user.
✔️ Meaningful Engagement & Social Networking.
✔️ Global Reach.
✔️ Personalized Social Experience.
2. Some of the Value Proposition for Google :
✔️ Search for anything from any part of the world.
✔️ Fast and easy to access.
✔️ Organized Information which is easily accessible.
✔️ Free entertainment and learning.
Here are 4 questions, which will help you better define your Value Proposition :
✔️ Identify all the benefits/value your product or service offers.
✔️ Which one of your customer’s problem are you helping to solve.
✔️ In what ways are you helping your customers to get it done.
✔️ Differentiate yourself as the preferred provider of the value.