Succeeding as an Entrepreneur

Succeeding as an Entrepreneur

“The biggest challenge of every entrpreneurs is figuring out a business model. What do we focus on? Who pays how much?” Dan Hoffman

Turning a business failure into success

Turning a business failure into success

“If you have a business without challenges, then you’re either superhuman or not real. Entrepreneurs must face challenges. And if you’re actually a good person and have a good team around you, the best thing you can do is get in front of your clients / partners / stakeholders and discuss openly with them, face-to-face.” Sammy Verghese

The story of Nancy Chin-Wagner, a Founder, CEO and  networking professional

The story of Nancy Chin-Wagner, a Founder, CEO and networking professional

Professionals, students, and others may find networking difficult, but the appropriate tool and coach can make networking easier. This article describes the challenges faced by networking professional Nancy Chin-Wagner as she started her networking firm after growing up in a rural town with limited networking chances. When Nancy first arrived to Boulder, Colorado, she had no friends. She could only meet people through participating in organizations like the Chamber of Commerce, hiking and literature clubs, and many other activities. Her motivation to start her own business was motivated by a deep desire to help others communicate successfully.

Importance of Network in entrepreneurship

Importance of Network in entrepreneurship

“We all need a community to support our efforts, whether it’s someone to be a mentor or if it’s families that are supportive or if it’s customers who give us a chance to prove our value. We all need community and relationships.” Max Avery

Overcoming challenges faced by entrepreneurs

Overcoming challenges faced by entrepreneurs

Most people that quit their regular jobs to pursue entrepreneurship will tell you that a traditional job is easier because starting a small business requires specific catalyst and often takes a lot of hours. However, in this interview, James Chang, a Senior Marketing Director and Entrepreneur, discussed how he overcame those challenges.

Factors to consider when choosing a financial advisor

Factors to consider when choosing a financial advisor

“1. Realized financial returns are a factor in your investment earnings and the taxes you pay on those returns. 2. Likability and comfort with your advisor are also important factors in determining an advisor. You want to feel comfortable sharing details of your personal financial life and aspirations with your advisor” Matt Reynolds