How to run a successful remote team?

How to run a successful remote team?

“With upgrades in technology, it’s easier than ever to have a team of qualified individuals who can do their work from home while keeping things running smoothly.” Tina Martin

How to double your online sales

How to double your online sales

“One of the basic preceptions of marketing is that anything worth marketing starts with an irresistible offer which causes people to stop and get excited and then grab the offer.” Terri Levine

How to become a successful entrepreneur

How to become a successful entrepreneur

“How to become a successful entrepreneur? 1. Figure out what your business superpower is, then productize it and monetize it. 2. Clearly articulate the problem you solve, and provide valuable insights that can help your network and prospects (even if they don’t work with you. Come from the high side of fair for all interactions and engagements” – Brynne Tillman

Webinar Marketing: Three Important Best Practices for Entrepreneurs

Webinar Marketing: Three Important Best Practices for Entrepreneurs

Whether the objective is to introduce a new market to your startup, establish your company’s brand, or generate new leads for your nascent business, a webinar offers the ability to easily and inexpensively reach large numbers of people, learn how you can help them, and leverage that insight to grow your business.

Turning a new product into success

Turning a new product into success

“An idea is only as good as how your target audience perceives it to be. Before investing too much money in your innovation, make sure you are on target and conduct useful concept testing research.” Shailesh Ganeriwala

18 Habits of Top Sales Performers

18 Habits of Top Sales Performers

How to succeed in sales? Here are the 18 characteristics, habits, skills, and techniques of successful salespeople that get results!