Donna J. Spina
Business owner consulting
After building my own businesses from zero to seven figures without a business loan or credit card and guiding the growth of several others to 8 and 9 figures, I do understand business!
About Donna J. Spina
Struggling with cash flow? Feel under priced for the value you deliver? Need to generate more leads, close more sales, to increase revenue and profits? Lost in the crowd of look a like businesses? I will help you NOT leave money on the table AND tap into other income generating areas.
Business Owners today are desperately looking for fast access to the answers they need to grow the business they dream of having. My company has created the world’s first business growth network that gives small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs access to all the tools, resources and support they need to systematically grow their revenues faster and, with greater confidence and certainty.
I can show any business how to double their leads and sales in less than 45 minutes WITHOUT spending a cent on marketing or advertising. Sound interesting?
Internationally recognized Business and Marketing Breakthrough Strategist
Associate Contributor – The Six Figure Coach Magazine
Coach, Marketing Consultant, Business Consultant, Social Media Consultant, Speaker, Strategist, Author
Business Owners/CEOs and Leaders within: similar rules of distinction apply. To be effective, the ability to achieve efficiently and widen the margin consistently are the keys to your influence factor. That translates into becoming someone worthy of being followed! To be top of mind for that promotion or to become a stellar team lead, time to Build YOU Better in concepts, frameworks, and understanding those who look to you for leadership. If you have never been “here” before disrupting your thinking pattern is due!
People Builder, Speaker, Trainer, Author
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