Preferred Partner

Feedcoyote | The Business Network Platform for short-term Gigs
a Business Network Platform providing better collaboration and lead management for independent workers, all in one place
Services Offered

Receive Leads, Generate Proposals & Contracts, Perform Tasks, Build Network, Generate Invoices & Process Payments, Track Progress

Ideal For

Small Businesses, Small to Mid-Size Businesses, Enterprises


Seattle, United States

Feedcoyote | The Business Network Platform for short-term Gigs

Feedcoyote is a Business Network Platform augmented with CRM capabilities that equips gig workers with the right tools to work more efficiently and collaborate together on various projects to make more money.

The Feedcoyote platform combines an integrated management tool with our lead generation business network which fosters better collaboration and closed deals for gig workers, all in one place.

We use Machine Learning to streamline and automate the collaboration and deal flow which saves time and increases productivity.

Some of the values our platform offers are:

* Meaningful and curated connections
* Better collaboration between gig workers, and work automation
* Skill supplement
* Client management tool
* Sub-contract of short-term professional services to speed up project delivery
* Centralized customer communication
* Better relationships management and more deals closed

Feedcoyote is built for you and with you in mind, to help you collaborate, manage, and grow your gigs in a secure, convenient, and affordable way