Vincenzo De Gregorio

Head of Product

About Vincenzo De Gregorio


Helping 100,000 entrepreneurs reach success by 2024. Manager of and sponsor services/creative development for 80,000+ member LinkedIn group and – Connect with me and join our community!

Our 80,000+ member LinkedIn Entrepreneurs Networking Group is a thriving group of experienced and aspiring entrepreneurs started in 2009…
– Network with like-minded entrepreneurs, potential partners, world changers and business makers
– See and post valuable content, tips, events, and networking opportunities related to entrepreneurship
-Be part of a community that will help you on your journey to success

Our Sister community of entrepreneurs at all stages around the globe.
– mastermind style virtual peer connects
-Relevant, up to date webinars from experts
-Clubs specific to country and business growth topics
-chat forum
– Lead sharing groups and meeting
-member directory

Connect with me and join our community!

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