Sophie Dalton

Mindset and Purpose Coach

Helping you find & live your purpose to 10x your life & your results.

Mindset and Purpose Coach for High Performing Women. Leverage your mindset & soul purpose to create results that inspire.

About Sophie Dalton


Sophie Dalton is a Mindset & Purpose Coach who reconnects high performing women to their intuition & soul purpose so that they can dramatically increase their professional results, while dropping stress from their life, living their purpose, and enjoying the process.

Sophie has used mindset work to not only heal herself from an eating disorder, depression and anxiety, but also to…

Become a nationally ranked athlete, solo-travel for 16 months, spending a year working the night shift of a homeless shelter, work on fishing boats in Alaska, hitchhike in Colombia, (almost) win a 50-mile ultramarathon, and various other ridiculous activities.

Now it’s her mission to use her hard-earned mindset tricks to support ambitious women in the reclamation of their wildness, so that they can live from a place of soul, experience radical self-love, leverage their strengths for greater financial empowerment, and maximize their impact.

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