Oscar Chavez

Ash Roy

Business Growth Specialist | Speaker| Inbound Marketer

I have over 15 years of international experience in finance and strategy with a CPA and an MBA from the AGSM. I have a passion for helping other professionals build a commanding presence online through podcasting.

About Ash Roy


What’s it costing you or your business to NOT have a podcast which showcases your expertise and attracts high quality clients?

The benefits of podcasting are enromous
★ Monthly podcast listeners are affluent: 16% have an annual household income of $150K or more
★ Monthly podcast listeners are educated: 30% have some grad school or an advanced degree
★ People who are weekly podcast listeners spend a mean time of 5 hours and 7 minutes per week listening to podcasts.
★ On average, people spend 4 hours a day listening to audio.
★ Forty-eight percent of monthly podcast consumers follow companies/brands on social media
Source: Salesforce(dot)com

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