The Promise of Leadership: How to be a Transformational Leader
Leaders who are authentic with themselves and the people around them can provide a space to inspire innovative thinking and drive the value of their organization over the long term.
Stakeholder Expectations and the Promises of a Leader
1. Explicit Promises
These expectations from stakeholders are easy to recognize. The delivery of the following include as explicit expectations that stakeholders seek from a leader:
- Strategy,
- Execution,
- Fiscal responsibility, and
- Accountability.
2. Implicit Promises
The implicit expectations of stakeholders are what most leaders are not aware of when they step into that role in the beginning. And as some leaders are unaware of these promises, it leaves them being resentful and clueless.
- Trustworthiness,
- Competency,
- Inspiration,
- Fairness,
- Listening,
- Coaching,
- Talking suggestions.
How In-attentional Blindness brings back your Old Habits
The past somehow always seems to show up in the present.
You can’t seem to break the old response patterns.
You’re still in the same place and people continue to respond to you in the same old ways.
Your Major Shift to become a Transformational Leader
See the future with new eyes. Because you attract what you focus on.
- Vision is always greater than focus,
- You stop reacting and start acting,
- Believing comes first. Changing beliefs is a learned process.
What struggles do you face as a leader?
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The Overwork Impact
Risks that arise with working 50+ Hrs
- 1.3X Higher risk of stroke
- 1.66X Higher risk of depression
- 1.7X Higher risk of anxiety
Effects of poor life-work balance
- Sleep Deprivation: 1 in 3 American adults is sleep-deprived due to disrupted life balance.
- Lower Productivity: Employees who network and experience chronic fatigue can lose 4 times the productivity of well-rested workers.
- Burnout: Employees who overwork are more likely to burn out. 40-50% of full-time working Americans experience burnout from their jobs.
4 Pillars of the Life Work Effect
✔️ Strategy and Planning
✔️ Productivity Mastery
✔️ Life Work Balance
✔️ Wellbeing
These four pillars allow you to live a happier life and develop high performance in your business.
7 Steps to Avoid Burnout
How to avoid burnout and boost productivity.
Strengthener Trio
What changes can I make to my schedule to spend more time using my strengths, What can I do to use my strengths more often? What can I do to get even better at these strengths?
Energy Piques
Instead of powering through and carrying on working for hours, it’s important to give your body and mind momentary breaks in between. A minimum of 5 minutes to relax your mind through quick exercises or a short playtime. This boosts the oxygen in your body, allowing you to think clearly, coming back with greater energy resulting in better decision-quality.
Start the day with a fun activity of 5 minutes
Even if you are a remote team, if you start the day with an ice-breaker or some socializing, you start the day with a pool of positive energy. This results in better productivity with greater efficiency.
Do more WATs (Walks and Talks)
We are bound more towards video meetings and working from home. You can map out the meetings that require your presence or are of high priority, and strike off the ones that can be done via a short phone call. Then will be a time to get out for fresh air or to socialize with people and walk down the block. You come back with higher energy.
Eat foods that are good for your brain
One of the most important muscles in our body is our brain. And curbing your food intake with awareness of your brain’s health is another powerful aspect to add to your meal.
Say 'No' more often
When you feel that your energy is draining around the end of the day and have another task ahead, you can say ‘no’ to that. And to support it, you can provide a reason.
The Perfect Week Planner
Sit with a pen and paper and map our what a perfect week would look like for you. Avoid writing down with perfection but only visualize. You will work towards achieving those activities throughout the week and feel more accomplished after that.