The Next Level Conference Takeaways

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How to grow your business to the next level

Learn how to protect your business and maintain long-term growth and value. Hear from Intellectual Property Advocate on how a company can avoid unforeseen revenue losses and slow growth. Meet business growth specialists speak about the proven strategies that helped them cut through the noise and welcome a mature business growth.

3 Strategies to grow your business to the next level

Even though you witness profits in your business and are far better off than when you started, do you ever think of what would be next? You might feel that your business profitability isn’t optimal. But does your farsightedness of securing the future of your business ruin your sleep?

Here are 3 strategies you can implement to grow your business to the next-level. Three experts show you three serious aspects for growth that most business owners aren’t aware of. You will realize how you can achieve a competitive edge in the market that will automatically help optimize profitability and secure and maintain your business value in the long run.

1. Follow a 9-Step Profitable Business Growth Framework 

Ash Roy, Productive Insights Podcast Host, Inbound Specialist 

  • Before going forward with the steps to take your business to the next level, here’s a gentle reminder to entrepreneurs. “Business growth isn’t unicorns and rainbows”. To fall on your feet and keep moving is the essence of the journey. And it requires “consistency and focus”. It takes a long time to see results rooting from consistent efforts. 
  • Researching your ideal customer shouldn’t be mechanical. Ash Roy, in his conversation with Seth Godin in one of his podcast episodes, talks about empathy. It helps you to visualize how they experience their problem and not as you see it. If you want to understand your audience truly, you can create your empathy map now. 
  • The 9-Step Profitable Business Growth Framework helps create a clear path and has proven to help multiple business owners achieve maximum profit with this strong foundation.You can download the 9-Step Profitable Business Growth Framework and start to grow your business to the next level. Also, the file is interactive and each step takes you to an in-depth podcast episode as you click on them.

2. Incorporate integrated technology that helps you gain a competitive edge 

Charles Yi, Founder of Everleagues and Don B. Lee, Chief Strategy Officer at Everleagues 

  • The 3 things most independent company firms are concerned about and consider success factors are: relationships, professional time, and delivery. They value the optimal use of professional hours to deliver clients the best experience while resolving their problems. That’s where the usage of integrated technology takes over that helps connect productive team collaboration with healthy client relationships. 
  • To maintain the trilateral relationship, a cloud-based solution helps avoid risks and waste. But multiple platforms can create complexity, divert you from your core growth actions, and dismantle security. 
  • Don B. Lee shows how you can cut out the clutter of a messy web when you replace it with a single communication suite. From basic collaboration like chatting, video conferencing, to receipt tracking, document staging and storage, and more, a single tool will save time and hassle.

You can take a look at Everleagues and schedule a demo. “Everleagues helps your firm forge seamless collaboration among your teams and with your clients. The result is greater productivity, more stable teams, and happier clients with more referrals.” – Don B. Lee.

An enterprise-level unified platform, High security, and Industry-specific tools.

3. Protect your brand to maintain long-term value and stand out in the market 

“Do you have a lock on your ideas?” asks Intellectual Property Advocate J. Baron Lesperance.

Multiple businesses have lost commercial opportunities and spent huge amounts and energy in re-branding. All of which could have been avoided with a simple and affordable trademark search. 

This is one of the unforeseen aspects that hinder businesses from reaching the next level of business growth. It cost companies 10 times more in changing and revamping their brand and tech innovations than what it would have only by applying IP.

There are 4 types of Intellectual property rights that help protect your business and help achieve a competitive advantage in the market.

Patents protect new and useful devices, methods, and designs,

Trademarks protect names and identify the source of a product or service,

Copyrights protect original words, such as, music, pictures, documents, software,

Trade secrets incline on confidentiality

Here’s how you can determine if you have IP.

  • Step 1: Conduct a search of the Internet, IP databases.
  • Step 2: Compare the results vs. your idea with IP Professionals,
  • Step 3: Take steps to attempt to secure your IP.

 Plus, Intellectual Property automatically keeps you ahead of the competition and helps you gain a market-dominating position. If your efforts to reach your mission are already taking off, you might want to secure and maintain your business’ long-term value. You can reach out to J. Baron Lesperance who helps entrepreneurs leverage IP to keep companies ahead of the competition. 

Watch the full Eprenz Next-Level Business Growth Conference recording to get a closer understanding coming straight from the speakers.

 Meet the Speakers

Ash Roy

Ash Roy

Business Growth Specialist | Speaker| Inbound Marketer

Contact Details :

Charles Yi , CPA, MBA

Charles Yi , CPA, MBA

Founder at Everleagues

Contact Details :

Don Lee

Don Lee

Chief Strategy Officer, EverLeagues, Inc.

Contact Details :

J. Baron Lesperance

J. Baron Lesperance

Intellectual Property Expert